Objective: To promote and educated the public with all aspects of the RV Lifestyle
1972-1979 Airstream Dealership, Ventura, CA
Service Manager and Part Time Sales
Attended yearly, week long service seminars at Airstream Factory
Quadrupled the service department output thus adding employees to work force
Suggested new products that increased earnings by more than 100%
1979-2011 Bill’s RV Service, Inc. Ventura, CA
Full service and repair facility with up to 9 employees
Solid, repeat customer base of over 2000—speeding profitability
Recently sold Bill’s RV Service and retired to full time RV Life!
1999-Present Affinity/TralierLife/Motorhome Magazine Ventura, CA
Technical Consultant/ Freelance Articles/ Photo shoots
New product installations and detailed photo shoots
Technical advisor for Bob Livingston and editorial staff
Currently submitting monthly magazine articles and product reviews that are being published on a regular basis with my wife, Jenn Gehr, who also photographs the tech shoot for our articles
2005-2007 Affinity Group Ventura, CA
“RV Today” TV show on Outdoor Life network—5 min. tech segment host and product installer
Technical advisor and Co-host for a series of DVD’s called “ABC’s of RV’s” that have been sold Nationwide and are sold at many RV trade shows
As of 2011 these DVD’s are in the home of every Good Sam Member as Good Sam sent the informative series out by mail for member consideration and review
Retired from Bill’s RV Service, Inc. — Currently the Chairman of the Board
March 2, 2010 — Bill and his wife, Jenn, became full time RVer’s and have since traveled over 25 thousand miles and have visited 27 states! We LOVE the lifestyle and the adventures along the way—we have no plans to stop!
July 16-26, 2010 — Bill and Jenn Gehr along with Bob and Lynne Livingston led the 1st Annual Good Sam Caraventure from Elkhart, IN to The Rally in Louisville, KY. Bill and Bob hosted a week of open forum RV-based discussions and hands-on tech advice to 100 participants. The event was such a huge success!
August 2010 RiecoTitan Elkhart, IN
PR/Technical Representative
Composed the November issue of TrailerLife Article “Ultimate Ground Control” featuring RiecoTitan Ground Control’s exciting product
Produced a DVD for Ground Control Installation and product information for dealerships
Attend the 2010 RVIA Show in Louisville, KY with RiecoTitan and was a guest speaker at several seminars
Guest speaker with Bob Livingston at the 2011 Rally in Redmond, OR
Attended RVDA Show in Las Vegas, October 2011